Sunday, January 20, 2008 wants to use your paypal account and pay you?

This must be a scam, I received this today. Please comment on this post with your thoughts.

Dear Louis,

We've found your resume at and we have a job for you.

My name Larisa Kovaleva and i am a manager of Ukrainian software-development company Daemian Soft.
You can visit our official site and see our products.

We are processing payments online by merchant account, but
some of our clients want make payment via paypal.
PayPal doesn't work Ukraine, so we have no chance to open account there.
We use exchange services for paypal payments ( this service have high fees and takes 4-7 days).

So we are looking for a partner in USA.
Our client will pay to your paypal account, you will receive payments, then you will send money to our company via western union.

Your salary will depend on amount of paypal transfers you'll get.
You will get 7% from each transaction.
PayPal and western union fees will be covered by us.

Usually, there are 3-4 payments per week.
Each payment is about $999 - $2999

So you will earn about $1500-2500 for the first month.

We don't need any private info from you! You address
and phone only!
You also don't need any special experience, this is
simple job at all.

Thank you.
If you are interested or have any question please contact me at

1 comment:

BooksinReview said...

They'll probably have clients transfer money, have you wire cash, and then you'll be screwed when people start requesting refunds from PayPal (for whatever reason) and they freeze your account... Definitely a scam


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