Thursday, October 25, 2007

eBay is great fun!

For those of you have haven't experienced the fun of bidding on an auction... your missing out! You've heard about it... why don't you have an account with eBay?

It takes 5 minutes and you can start bidding on the things that you want today! The reason I use eBay is because, just like everything else online... its cheaper! Plus it ships right to my door. You can read actually buyers feedbacks from a seller you plan to purchase for you to judge their quality, service, and trustworthiness. On top of that, I appreciate the one on one interaction in the eBay buyers/sellers community.

The BEST overall cell phone ever made (IMHO, the T-Mobile Dash) has revamped it and added additional upgrades! I will be keeping on eye on the current HTC S630 prices!

eBay is also the spot to buy those Sold Out tickets! Fat chance you'll them locally... but search ebay;

and there are at least 5-10 sellers right now for tickets to the Worlds Largest Disco @ the Buffalo Convention Center! Many of these auctions start with No Reserve! I got an excellent price on some very rare V.I.P. tickets... If I can find something like this, imagine what you can find searching eBay; Happy bidding!

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