Sunday, October 21, 2007

Long Distance Relationships... all you want is a SideKick LX?

So I have a relationship I am trying to maintain with someone that I've been with on and off for a little over 3 years. We both we born and raised in Buffalo, NY. Last year she joined the Air Force and has been living there for over a year now. Now I am no expert in dealing with a long distance relationship for this is my first encounter with one, and it is with the "First Love" which makes it even worse. However, here are a couple things I thought we should do MINIMALLY:

1. At least (1) Goodnight and good morning text messages every day. It only takes 10 secs to text message!

2. Take 3 flights each per year, for a total of 6 flights. This way we could see each other at least every two months. Each visit should last at least 2-3 days.

I figured if we agreed to these seemingly reasonable conditions we could maintain what we have. So at at point my partner agreed that these should be fairly feasible... Back in May during my birthday, she promised she would pay for a ticket for me to come see her. Well, it never happened because in her words "we fell out". I'm sure she couldn't even describe why we did, but thats a whole other story.

She came her to visit last month in September, not particularly to see me. We got back together and once again promised we would follow the two steps above to maintain our long distance relationship. Now her birthday is coming up on November 1st, and I checked plane tickets to fly down for the 31st of October till November 5th....

The plane ticket is going for $380!! I knew I couldn't afford this, plus buy her a gift at the same time! What was I going to do?

Long story short, I asked her to go half on the ticket. She immediately disagrees and says its her birthday and she shouldn't have to buy me anything. I asked if she would want me to just get her a gift (the soon to be released T-Mobile Sidekick LX) instead. She says "If you want to Louis"...



Anonymous said...

is this some kind of joke or advertisement? you actually have listed 3 conditions on which your long distance relationship would work. and they are include numerical values of how often certain things should be done...very strange

Lucky Louie said...

No, this is no joke. It does seem however, that it is all about what I can bring to the table financially. As soon as I am unable to pay for something, I am rejected.

In regards to this being an advertisement, no, it isn't exactly. I just put a pic up to show, what the phone looks like. However more recently in my quest to obtain knowledge about internet marketing strategies, I am going create a couple of link on where to buy the new T-Mobile SideKick LX.

I plan to have a write up soon on what I have learned and how you too can also implement affiliation programs on to your blog or web page to create a few extra dollars.

btw, Thank you Sasha for being the first person to comment on my first blog ever!

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